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Updated 16 Mar 2003
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 6. QuArK Glossary

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Decker - 20 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

(binary) An compressed archive of files. See http://www.winace.com.
(binary) A graphics image file format.
(binary) A compiled level for the FPS-game. See also bsp and build tools.
(binary) Dynamic Load Library. Contains executable code, which can be shared/used by many .EXE programs, or one .EXE program can change between different .DLLs to get new functionality.
(executable) An executable program.
(text) Forge Game Data for WorldCraft. A game definition file. Can not be read by QuArK, see .QRK instead.
(binary) A graphics image file format. Only supports index-palette images up to 256 colors, but has a very good non-destructive compression method. (IIRC it stands for "CompuServe Graphics Interchangable Format.")
(binary) A graphics image file format. Supports only 24bit-color images. Uses a destructive variable compression method.
(text) Generic map file. A ASCII-file containing information for the build tools, how they should produce a .BSP file. A .MAP file is typically generated by a map-editor, and it can be edited using a standard ASCII editor. QuArK can read this format, if it is from one of the supported games. Note; some changes have been made to the .MAP format, since the initial Quake-1 .MAP format.
(binary) A Quake-2 3D-model with frames that represents different animations.
(binary) A Quake-3:Arena 3D-model.
(binary) A Quake-1, Hexen-II or Half-Life 3D-model with frames that represents different animations. They are not interchangeable between the different games!
(binary) A WorldCraft prefabs file. Can not be read by QuArK, see .QRK instead.
(binary) A container/package file, which contains other types of files in an internal directory structure. Quake-1 was the first FPS which used these types of files. This is the enhanced version of an .WAD file.
(binary) A graphics image file format. Supports up to 24bit-color (RGB).
(binary) A container/package file, which actually is a .ZIP file, used by Quake-3:Arena.
(binary) A graphics image file format. Portable Network Graphics
(program source-text) A Python source-text file.
(binary) A compiled .PY.
(program source-text) See QuakeC.
(binary/text) QuArK map file.
(binary/text) QuArK data file. Can contain all kinds of data. Is saved in either binary- or text-format.
(binary) Probably stands for Quake Vitrual Machine. Its a Quake-3:Arena "game-rules" program, as we know from Quake-1's PROGS.DAT file.
(binary) WorldCraft map file. Can not be read by QuArK.
(text) A Quake-3:Arena "texture"-definition file.
(binary) A graphics image file format. Supports up to 24/32bit-color (RGBA).
(binary) A container file, which contains other files, sometimes only a specific kind of files. Wolfenstein 3D was the first FPS which used these types of files. A .WAD file can not group files into an internal directory structure, use .PAK files instead.
(binary) A Quake-2 texture file.
(binary) A sound file.
(binary) An compressed archive of files. See http://www.winzip.com.

 #0 - #9...

Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

A .QRK file which consists of usefull data, typically new entities and/or textures.
See argument.
(value) A value or values seperated by space, that belong to a specific. Can be either numeric or text.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

See bounding box
Bounding Box
[B-Box] A rectangular 3D area, which can be represented by two vectors; (minimum X, minimum Y, minimum Z) - (maximum X, maximum Y, maximum Z).
See polyhedron.
Brush Carving
See brush subtraction.
Brush Subtraction
An action to remove parts from a brush, where another brush intersects. It is also know as brush carving.
(abbreviation) See Binary Space Partitions. ('BSP' is also the name of another map-editor.)
Binary Space Partitions
[BSP] A matematical method of storing 3D objects in a 'space', so when viewing from some point in 'space', only visible objects are drawn to the viewer, instead of drawing everything, even objects that is behind or hidden from the viewers point of view.
Build programs
See build tools.
Build tools
Programs that are needed to create (compile) a file which will contain the final map. They are commenly known as; QBSP.EXE, QBSP3.EXE, VIS.EXE, QVIS3.EXE, LIGHT.EXE, QRAD3.EXE and QCSG.EXE, but that all depends on the FPS-game. There are basically three steps in the build process, after the map-editor have created a .MAP file;
1) convert a .MAP file to a .BSP without vis/light information,
2) vis (visibility) the produced .BSP file, to optimize in-game drawing,
3) light the .BSP file, so it won't appear complely dark or fullbright.


Decker - 20 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

Capture The Flag
[CTF] A team based modification widely played in Quake-1 and later games. Two teams have each their own flag, which they must protect from the other team, but at the same time try to steal the other team's flag, and carry it home to score. Many later modifications have been based upon the same Capture The Flag concept, but 'Threewave Capture the Flag' was the first.
(to carve) See Brush subtraction.
See Brush subtraction.
The name of an entity.
(map/level) The action that must be performed to create a file of the map which the FPS-game can understand as a level. Typically this includes execution of one or more build tools.
When an 2D/3D-object is concave, you can draw a straight line through it, and it can enter the 2D/3D-object many times on its route through, and leaves it just as many times. The opposite of concave is convex.
In most id Software licensed games, you can bring down a console, in which different commands can be typed to perform actions which will affect the game. In most FPS-games, to bring down the console, press the key that is just below the ESCAPE-key on the keyboard. On US-style keyboards its the ~ (tilde) character.
When an 2D/3D-object is convex, you can draw a straight line through it, and it enters the 2D/3D-object only one time on its route through, and leaves it only one time. The opposite of convex is concave.
[CS] (modification) A multiplayer modification for Half-Life, that uses realistic damage and weapons. Two teams fight for supremacy, and when all members of the opposing team are dead, or the timelimit hits, the round is won.
Crystal Space
[CS] (3D game engine)
See polyhedron.
(abbreviation) See Capture The Flag.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

An active (macro) function in QuArK's tree-view, which allow the map-designer to duplicate objects many times, and still be able to edit the master-objects , where the changes will instantaneously be reflected on the duplicates.


Decker - 16 Mar 2003   [ Top ] 

The line where two faces meet, or the line between two vertexes. A dice has 12 edges.
Editing-newsgroups and Forums can be located through links on QuArK's web site. You can quickly reach this site by going to the question mark '?' help menu of your QuArK Editor.
Plural of entity.
An FPS-game entity, is an object which the player can interact with. Most entities are monsters, weapons and moving doors. Some entities are used to light the level as if you placed an invisible light-bulb in a spot. Other entities, like doors, require that it has some polyhedrons connected to it.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

A side/plane of a polyhedron. A dice has 6 faces. See also edge and vertex
Field of vision
[FOV] (console command)
First Person Shooter
[FPS] (-game). QuArK (v6.1) currently supports these FPS-games; Quake-1, Hexen-II, Quake-2, Heretic-II, Half-Life, Sin, Kingpin, Quake-3:Arena and Soldier of Fortune.
(abbreviation) A console command which allows the user to adjust the field of vision.
(abbreviation) See First Person Shooter.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

In QuArK, a group in the tree-view is a collection of brushes, entities and other groups.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

[HL] (game) A FPS-game made by Valve Software. Based upon a heavily modified Quake-1 graphics engine.
[HOM] (-effect). The Hall-Of-Mirrors  effect is something you get, when parts of the screen in the FPS-game, is not updated due to a leak or your player is outside the level in the void. The effect was introduced with the DOOM game, where it would look like a long corridor, going into the screen, flickering. It looked like a Hall of Mirrors.
[HX2] (game) Based upon the Quake-1 graphics engine.
[HR2] (game) Based upon the Quake-2 graphics engine.
See leak.
See Hall-Of-Mirrors.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

id Software
Software company. Creator of Wolfenstein 3D, the DOOM and Quake games and 3D-engines. http://www.idsoftware.com.
(abbreviation) If I Recall Correctly.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

See specific.
See argument.
[KP] (game) Based upon the Quake-2 graphics engine.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

The most annoying thing you get, when building bsp-maps! A leak (or hole as it is also called), is a place in your map that have a view out to the void.
Think of you map as a giant enclosed bathtub filled with water. If there is a leak somewhere, the water would pour out (even run upwards if you got a leak in the ceiling!), and this prevents the VIS/QVIS program to optimize your map.
If your level got a leak, even just a tiny small one, its a bad map! So compile often to catch leaks.
(abbreviation) Left Mouse Button.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

(editing mailinglists) A specialized e-mailing list, which only those who subscribe to it can receive/send messages. For QuArK there exist these three mailinglists; QuArK-News, QuArK and QuArK-Python. To subscribe, go to the forums-page on http://www.planetquake.com/quark/, and follow the directions from there.
Mission pack
(official-) A addon to a FPS-game which usually contains new levels, monsters, weapons and other enhancements. Some mission packs are free to download, others you have to pay for.
(abbreviation) Middle Mouse Button.
(abbreviation) See modification
[MOD] A modification can be a total conversion or partial converstion of the original game-flow and/or game-rules. Some modifications are commercial (Official mission packs) others free from the internet (E.q. Capture The Flag, Team Fortress and many many others).


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

Negative Poly
A QuArK speciality, which allows the map-designer to carve without carving . Meaning, a negative poly will first make its brush-subtraction at compile-time, so the map-designer won't have to control "hundreds" of small brushes.
(editing newsgroups) A selection of Usenet newsgroups, in where you can discuss map-editing for the FPS-game you're developing. Currently there are these newsgroups in relation to QuArK; rec.games.computer.quake.editing and alt.games.half-life.editing. See also mailinglists.
A FPS-game console command, allowing the player to fly freely around, even through solid walls. This is commenly used when examine a map for errors or secrets. Some FPS-games might have a different command than NOCLIP, which performs the same thing.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

Partial conversion
[PC] A partial conversion is a modification of the FPS-game's normal rules or levels or sounds or graphics. So it is only parts of the normal game, that is changed, as opposed to an total conversion.
(program part) A plug-in for QuArK, is one or more Python source-files which, when installed, will give new and/or enhanced functionality to QuArK, mainly the map-editor.
Short for polyhedron.
Most basicly its a solid cube which is convex. A polyhedron consists of at least 4 faces so they create a 3-sided pyramid, and up to several hundred faces which probably will be something like a sphere. Synonyms that are commonly used for polyhedrons are; brush, cube.
A QuArK project can consist of several maps, models, sound-files, graphics-files, etc.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

[Q1] (game) A FPS-game by id Software.
[Q2] (game) A FPS-game by id Software.
[Q3A] (game) A FPS-game by id Software.
[.QC] (language) A program-language which Quake-1 introduced. It controls the flow of the game, its rules. MODs/TCs/PCs for Quake-1 are coded in QuakeC.
(abbreviation) Quake Army Knife


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

(console command) Used in conjuction with r_speeds, to see which parts of the map can be seen from which other parts. Its actually a draw everything in reverse .
(console command) Used in conjuction with r_drawflat, when examining a newly build map for problems. R_speeds shows the number of polygons that the graphic engine draws every frame. A lower r_speed is better.
(-color) Red-Green-Blue. A pixel on a 24-bit bitmap is made up by the three color-components red, green and blue.
(-color) Red-Green-Blue-Alpha. The Alpha is an transparency-value, to indicate how transparent this pixel is. Only found in 32-bit bitmaps. See also RGB.
(abbreviation) Right Mouse Button.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

[SIN] (game) A FPS-game by Ritual Entertainment. Based upon the Quake-2 graphics engine.
Soldier of Fortune
[SOF] (game) A FPS-game by Raven Software. Based upon the Quake-2 graphics engine.
(key) In QuArK, an entity's key/value pairs are called specifics/args. See also argument.
Star Trek:Voyager-Elite Force
[STV-EF] (game) A FPS-game by Raven Software. Based upon the Quake-3:Arena graphics engine.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

Team Fortress
[TF] (modification) A teambased multiplayer game, which expands the Capture The Flag concept with unique features like; specialized playerclasses, multiple and/or different map objectives. Team Fortress exists only for Quake/QuakeWorld. See also http://www.teamfortress.com.
Team Fortress 2
[TF2] (game) A commercial game, based on the same concept as Team Fortress, but greatly expanded. See http://www.sierra.com.
Team Fortress Classic
[TFC] (modification) The same as Team Fortress, but for Half-Life. http://www.teamfortressclassic.com.
A rectangular graphics image, that is put on a face. Some games uses their own graphics formats, like .WAL or .WAD, others uses the more paint-program friendly .TGA or .PCX formats. Typically the X and Y sizes of the texture-image, must be in power of 16. See also Wally.
Total conversion
[TC] A total conversion is a complete change of game-flow and game-rules. There are new levels, weapons, models, sounds, graphics and it might even not be the FPS-game you used to know. An example of a TC is 'Quake Rally', though it uses the Quake-1 program it is actually a racing game. See also Partial conversion, Modification.
A display in QuArK which looks like a hierarki-tree or Windows' File-Explorer. Usually its the display of the first tap in the panel below the compass in the map-editor.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

(game) A FPS-game made by 3DRealms. Unreal uses a different method of making/storing maps, which is not compatible with the Quake-engine series. QuArK does not support making maps for Unreal.
Unreal Tournament
[UT] (game)


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

See argument.
Valve Software
Software company. Creator of Half-Life. http://www.valvesoftware.com.
A single corner of a polyhedron. A dice has 8 vertexes. See also edge and face
A function in other editors to hide/show parts of the level, when designing it. In QuArK the function is associated with a group in the tree-view.
The nothingness  that is outside your level. If you have a leak out to the void, you will see the HOM effect there.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

(program) Wally is a texture editing program. It supports Quake-2 and Half-Life texture formats, and possibly others. See also http://www.telefragged.com/wally.


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 


Decker - 15 Feb 2001   [ Top ] 

GNU General Public License by The QuArK (Quake Army Knife) Community - http://www.planetquake.com/quark

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