- B-Box
- See bounding box
- Bounding Box
- [B-Box] A rectangular 3D area, which can be represented by two vectors; (minimum X, minimum Y, minimum Z) - (maximum X, maximum Y, maximum Z).
- Brush
- See polyhedron.
- Brush Carving
- See brush subtraction.
- Brush Subtraction
- An action to remove parts from a brush, where another brush intersects. It is also know as brush carving.
- (abbreviation) See Binary Space Partitions. ('BSP' is also the name of another map-editor.)
- Binary Space Partitions
- [BSP] A matematical method of storing 3D objects in a 'space', so when viewing from some point in 'space', only visible objects are drawn to the viewer, instead of drawing everything, even objects that is behind or hidden from the viewers point of view.
- Build programs
- See build tools.
- Build tools
- Programs that are needed to create (compile) a file which will contain the final map. They are commenly known as; QBSP.EXE, QBSP3.EXE, VIS.EXE, QVIS3.EXE, LIGHT.EXE, QRAD3.EXE and QCSG.EXE, but that all depends on the FPS-game. There are basically three steps in the build process, after the map-editor have created a .MAP file;
1) convert a .MAP file to a .BSP without vis/light information,
2) vis (visibility) the produced .BSP file, to optimize in-game drawing,
3) light the .BSP file, so it won't appear complely dark or fullbright.